Córdoba – Jesuits

We principally used Córdoba as a transit point for the estancia, and were pleasantly surprised to find it to be an interesting city with some very fine ecclesiasticalbuildings.  Córdoba was at the heart of the Jesuit community in South America, where the Jesuits with their missionary zeal and commercial acumen got both rich and converted many of the local indigenous population to Catholicism. They were so effective that the Catholic Church, supported by the King of Spain confiscated all their wealth, including the many estancias in the region that were owned and run by them.

Part of their legacy, are the old University buildings in Córdoba.  These were their old religious centres and have beautifully restored courtyards and carvings, and have now been declared a UNESCO sight.

The main Plaza San Martin, not only houses many banks, it also has the cream coloured cathedral, which has to be one of Argentina’s most attractive.  The cathedral has been recently cleaned and restored and is typical of the rich religious heritage of the city.

With all its Jesuit history, it is interesting now that the Catholic Church has its first ever Jesuit Pope, the current Argentine Pope Francis I.

 Date: 18/04/2018 & 23/04/2018