Itacaré – Centre of Brazilian Surfing

Our journey took us to the Bahian beach resort of Itacaré some 395 kms south of Salvador.  Itacaré boasts a number of pristine beaches, even the town beach is well kept.  However the real draw are the small beaches on the coast just to the South of the town.  Not only are the beaches spotlessly clean but are also not very crowded, and the further you go from the town, you’d pretty much have the beach to yourself.

The four beaches, Rezende, Tiririca, Costa and Ribeira are a mecca for surfers, offering some fine Atlantic waves for the surfers to enjoy.  Indeed there were loads of young Brazilians waiting out from Tiririca Beach for the perfect wave.  Itacaré grew up as a major centre for surfing and seeing the beaches it is easy to see why.

The main street in the resort is full of restaurants, bars and boutique shops.  Like many resorts in Brazil, nothing really gets going until mid afternoon and then lasts well into the night.  Itacaré attracts a largely Brazilian clientele, especially from São Paolo and the large cities to the South.

In the surrounding countryside there is ample opportunities for some gentle walking, which takes you through some forests and across many bays to some more remote beaches.


For us, Itacaré was a great location for some downtime after several weeks of pretty intensive travelling across Brazil from the Amazon and the Guianas in the North.   Brazil as a country is incredibly well endowed with pristine sandy beaches as the entire coastline from the Amazon delta right through to the Uruguay border seems to be one big long sandy beach.

Date: 08/11/2018 to 12/11/2018


  1. Maggie

    Hi Simon it looks wonderful i am so jealous!!! We willl have to come back another year and do the next leg! All well here except have got streaming cold. Probably from the flight. Give my very best to the rest of the group and enjoy! All best Maggie x

    1. HighburyNomad

      Sorry to hear that you have a cold. We had lots of rain in Itacare, if that makes you feel better! Today we’re in Lencois and the Chapada Diamantina National Park for some trekking. Will pass your message on when I catch up with the others. Simon x

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