São Paulo – Cemeteries and Graffiti

Sao Paulo, like many South American Cities, has a number of large cemeteries with some massive family vaults and mausoleums, which are well used today. Many of the vaults are clearly a statement of wealth and status in society and represent much of the commercial and political history of the city. In amongst all the black marble and traditional mausoleums in the Sao Paulo Cemetery, we came across a classical sculpture by Alfredo Oliani in the Family Cantarella Vault, entitled “The Last Goodbye” with its eternal subjects of love and death.  It simply has to be one of the most beautiful and moving statues in a cemetery.

Graffiti Artist at Work, Beco Batman, São PauloNearby the Sao Paulo Cemetery is Beco do Batman a wonderfully Bohemian set of streets with some eclectic and original graffiti which is continually refreshed all the time as you can see in the action shot of the artist on the left.  Alongside all the colourful graffiti, the area also boasts a number of delightful independent bars and eating establishments.

Graffiti at Beco Batman, São PauloMany of the pictures say more than the words I could write here, and included below are a couple of our favourites, including a matador getting a very appropriate comeuppance from the tormented bull, and look out for the hand print on the picture of the two girls with hats.

Matador at Beco Batman, São Paulo

Date: 24/01/2018